SELECTED BY THE HBO U.S. COMEDY ARTS FESTIVAL IN ASPEN, CO.!! From Bonkers to Botox will play in Aspen February 9-13th, 2005, at Hotel Jerome.
For tickets and information, please visit
About the Show
In From Bonkers to Botox, life was great for Julianne Grossman -- until her struggle with depression led to 3 suicide attempts and as many hospitalizations in Los Angeles psychiatric wards! Creating a vivid cast of 25 characters and depicting "life in lockdown," Julianne takes us on a hilarious journey with a unique penchant for turning tragedy into triumph. During those rare moments when our laughter subsides, we are left with a deeper understanding of depression, and greater compassion for those affected by suicide.
"At the grocery store I look at the apples. I'll have an apple, I think. But I don't buy two, because I'll be dead tomorrow. And the thought that I'll be dead tomorrow terrifies and calms me, keeps me preoccupied somehow. If I buy 2 apples, it's a sign of affirmation. Hope. In fact, every decision now comes down to life and death. 1 apple, I die. 2 apples, I live."
"From Bonkers to Botox"is a
2 Apples Production

For more information about Julianne Grossman visit: |