Click the link below to view the details on the pending NBC project based on "Bonkers".

SELECTED BY THE HBO U.S. COMEDY ARTS FESTIVAL IN ASPEN, CO.!! From Bonkers to Botox will play in Aspen February 9-13th, 2005, at Hotel Jerome.

For tickets and information, please visit

About the Show

In From Bonkers to Botox, life was great for Julianne Grossman -- until her struggle with depression led to 3 suicide attempts and as many hospitalizations in Los Angeles psychiatric wards!  Creating a vivid cast of 25 characters and depicting "life in lockdown," Julianne takes us on a hilarious journey with a unique penchant for turning tragedy into triumph.  During those rare moments when our laughter subsides, we are left with a deeper understanding of depression, and greater compassion for those affected by suicide.

"At the grocery store I look at the apples. I'll have an apple, I think. But I don't buy two, because I'll be dead tomorrow. And the thought that I'll be dead tomorrow terrifies and calms me, keeps me preoccupied somehow. If I buy 2 apples, it's a sign of affirmation. Hope. In fact, every decision now comes down to life and death. 1 apple, I die. 2 apples, I live."

"From Bonkers to Botox"
is a
2 Apples Production

For more information about Julianne Grossman visit:

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Copyright 2005 Julianne Grossman